Two years ago I went to DuBai for a Global Mobilization Consultation. The goal was to help mobilizers from around the world catch a greater vision for mobilizing their own people.
There were people from multiple nations there.

It was here that I met the missionaries from Vietnam during a break. I showed them our material and we worked out a deal where they could print our102 Differences Between Cats and Dogs for Kids into Vietnamese. 20,000 were printed and handed out to kids in the AWANA program.
But the key words in the above paragraph were “in the break.” There was no formal workshop or track for children’s workers.
Coming back to the United States, I contacted the leadership and told them that they needed to have a track in 2019 for children’s workers. They responded and gave us that opportunity. As a result, Margie Marsh (UnveilinGLORY’s Global Children’s Ministry Director) is flying out to Brazil for the next meeting of the Global Mobilization Consultation. It will be held December 1-5. Margie asks for prayer.
![]() Representing UnveilinGLORY during the Global Mobilization Consultation conference in Brazil, I will co-present with a new ministry friend, Pearl, from India!
The topic assigned is Mobilizing Families in Mission. I have never met Pearl Ganta in person, however we have planned a presentation via Zoom – a first for me! Excited to see what
the Lord will do as we present together sharing our lives, ideas, and resources to strategically mobilize families for His glory.