Why is that? – At UnveilinGLORY we believe the heart of the issue is this: Most of our prayers are self-centered or “Cat Prayers”. Instead of seeking to advance God’s kingdom, we are asking God to advance ours. Instead of asking God how we can serve Him, we are gently telling God how He can serve us. God’s Word makes it very clear; He isn’t interested in answering selfish prayers! (James 4:2,3) With most self-centered prayers not being answered, most Christians have concluded that, “Prayer just doesn’t work!” and as a result, they either check in with God for only three minutes a day or stop praying all together. So many pastors and leaders have shared with us that they believe one of the biggest stumbling blocks to the growth of their churches and their members is the self-centered attitude in their Christianity. In answer to their concerns UnveilinGLORY has developed “Giving Prayer a Second Chance”.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_tta_tabs][vc_tta_section title=”Praying Self-Centered Prayers” tab_id=”1576651578856-542cc467-1498″ el_class=”theme_style”][vc_column_text]